Our commitment is that our food, service and environment awakens you into a state of acknowledgement.

Whether you wish to Focus with Harmony and Composure or Glow to Rejuvenate and Purify, our approach to mindful eating is learning to pay attention. Instead of eating mindlessly, notice your thoughts, feelings and sensations. Our dishes will leave you feeling joyful and healthy, whilst remaining guilt-free.

We believe food is a form of medicine so it’s imperative we know exactly what enters our dishes. From the baking of our breads and cakes to the creation of our delicious spice blends, we recognise the importance of in-house production. Whilst simultaneously ensuring we source the highest quality, nutrient dense ingredients from local suppliers. We are proud to offer a completely Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Vegan menu.

Choose from our 4 pillar concept to encourage Focus, Glow, Detox or Energy.